Naming and Branding


Benin, a family-operated coffee company with over 30 years of experience, sought to expand its business into a franchise model. With a focus on warmth, cheerfulness, and passion for coffee, Benin aimed to infuse its brand identity with a sense of happiness and feel-good vibes. Zambelli Design was tasked with creating a visually captivating and emotionally resonant brand concept that would appeal to coffee lovers of all levels.


Benin's transformation into a franchise model required a reimagining of its brand identity to reflect its core values of warmth, passion, and joy. Zambelli Design embarked on a creative journey to develop a visual identity that would convey the heavenly feeling of coffee while appealing to a diverse audience of coffee enthusiasts, including Millennials and Gen Z. The resulting brand concept, centered around a cheerful Cherub serving coffee, evoked a sense of divine delight and connection to Italy's premium coffee culture.


Inspired by the idea that coffee is a divine drink that brings instant happiness, Zambelli Design crafted a brand concept anchored in the symbolism of Renaissance art and the joyful spirit of a Cherub. The use of baby pink and blue tones resonated with the target demographic while vibrant yellow and red accents added energy and vibrancy to the brand personality. Sustainable packaging materials, such as paper cups and jute tote bags, aligned with consumer expectations and reinforced the brand's commitment to environmental stewardship. The incorporation of angelic cloud textures throughout the brand experience reinforced the heavenly feeling associated with Benin's coffee

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The rebranding effort led by Zambelli Design successfully positioned Benin as a vibrant and emotionally resonant coffee brand poised for franchise expansion. The visually captivating brand identity, featuring a cheerful Cherub and heavenly motifs, resonated with coffee lovers of all levels, fostering a sense of joy and connection with the brand. The cohesive brand experience, from packaging design to in-store visuals, conveyed Benin's commitment to quality, warmth, and sustainability. As Benin embarks on its journey as a franchise model, the brand's distinct identity and feel-good vibes are set to captivate coffee enthusiasts and drive business growth.

Fields of work:

Brand strategy

Brand verbal identity

Brand visual identity


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